Thursday, April 14, 2005

Look a Likes

Went into a cafe yesterday in Nuneaton and was asked the question was I there to see their Labour candidate? Okay don't pee yourselves laughing but this is the umpteenth time I have been mistaken for the Deputy PM. I nearly gave her a mouthful.
First occassion when I was pushed into a look a like competition by the three girls who sit with me at the match and the DJ - it was in the Canaries and at their Hotel (Mrs Gilligan was there!) and I came second to a David Bellamy look a like.
Second was when I was taking Melanie back to Uni in Bradford - I stopped in a petrol station and one old guy asked me where my jags were?
Numerous other occassions too many to list here.
Also I have been known to look like Eamon Holmes from GMTV and recently as stated on a recent Blog was piss taken as looking like Tyrone from the street. There was also one chef on ready steady cook but can't remember his name (only one person stated I looked like the chef)

So come on what's all your stories and who have you been told you look like?

Does he or Doesn't he? Posted by Hello


At Thursday, April 14, 2005, Blogger Billy said...

Although there is a striking physical resemblance between you and John Prescott, I think I can say without contradiction


They definitely broke the mould with you Jimmy!


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