Look a Likes
Went into a cafe yesterday in Nuneaton and was asked the question was I there to see their Labour candidate? Okay don't pee yourselves laughing but this is the umpteenth time I have been mistaken for the Deputy PM. I nearly gave her a mouthful.
First occassion when I was pushed into a look a like competition by the three girls who sit with me at the match and the DJ - it was in the Canaries and at their Hotel (Mrs Gilligan was there!) and I came second to a David Bellamy look a like.
Second was when I was taking Melanie back to Uni in Bradford - I stopped in a petrol station and one old guy asked me where my jags were?
Numerous other occassions too many to list here.
Also I have been known to look like Eamon Holmes from GMTV and recently as stated on a recent Blog was piss taken as looking like Tyrone from the street. There was also one chef on ready steady cook but can't remember his name (only one person stated I looked like the chef)
So come on what's all your stories and who have you been told you look like?
Does he or Doesn't he?
Although there is a striking physical resemblance between you and John Prescott, I think I can say without contradiction
They definitely broke the mould with you Jimmy!
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