Saturday, June 18, 2005

Minutes of AGM held on 16th June 2005

The following is an account of the AGM held in Coxhoe Workmens Club on 16th June 2005

1) Attendees
Once more a low turnout but better than last year. Appreciation for the members who attended.
Stephen Woodward
Jim Gilling
Thomas Hegarty
Jack Turton
David Huggins
Brian Mitton
David Hodgson
Ian Miller
Phil Armstrong
Alan Fox

2) Election of Officials and Committee

All current officials Stephen Woodward / Chairman, Jim Gilling / Secretary and Thomas Hegarty / Treasurer were nominated by Jack Turton and seconded by Phil Armstrong. All three officials were therefore re-elected for next season.

Jim Gilling requested consideration for committee members. No names were proposed but as and when committee members are required the request will be made again.

3) Financial Report

The current bank statements were still not coming to the correct address. Although David Huggins, the previous treasurer, has not received any statements since the last meeting, the bank have been contacted again to ensure that the data in the bank system is updated with the correct addresses for both bank accounts.
The amount in the current bank account that no statement has been provided is £138.05, the amount in the premium account is £356.00

At the start of the season we had £203.41 cash float in hand
Bus fares intake was £3,172.50
Subscription intake was £103.00
Domino Card intake was £118.00
Cost of bus hire was £3,470.00
Leaving a balance for the season of - £78.50
This was more than covered by the amount in the bank account.

3) Sponsorship

Jim Gilling advised that he had secured £1,200 sponsorship from two companies but none as yet from the Coxhoe area. This sponsorship was not brought in last season but would be brought in before this season. This sponsorship will secure the future of the branch for the foreseeable future.

4) Subscriptions

At present 21 members had re-applied for membership. Jim Gilling will write to or visit those members that have so far not re-applied for membership.

The fee for membership will remain as last season £2.00 adults and £1.00 for juniors and OAP's.

5) Results of the survey held on the last game of the season.

Jim Gilling made a brief statement on the results of the survey. Most accepted all the topics raised in the survey. Some comments raised were family fare on the coach, do we need to pick up at West Cornforth as there is only two getting on, can the bus leave any earlier so we can have more drinking time.
It was agreed that it would be too complex to introduce a family fare on the coach.
It was agreed to continue with the pick up and drop off points as last season but would be reviewed again in January to add or remove pickup or drop off points.
The bus times will remain the same as last season. However as SAFC have changed the kick-off times for evening games to 7.45pm it was agreed to leave the bus pick up time for these matches as last year 5.55pm from Kelloe, 6.00pm from Coxhoe and 6.05pm from West Cornforth.

6) Transport to home and away fixtures

Don Smiths have increased the coach hire to £165 for the season. This was still very competitive and as we had very few problems last year it was agreed to retain Don Smiths for next season. Jim Gilling will confirm to Don Smiths and will also try for a staggered increase like last season.
Bus fare will remain as last season £5.00 adults £3.00 juniors (under 16 years) and OAP's

There was very little interest in away fixtures last year but with the Premiership next season we discussed what would be the benefits to the branch to run a coach to some away fixtures. In the end it was decided not to run any coach to away fixtures and to share with Sedgefield like last season. Any branch member who wanted to attend an away fixture would be asked to give there names to the Secretary well in advance to the fixture for submission to the Sedgefield branch.

7) SAFCSA Correspondence

There was only one correspondence to report this was an invoice to be paid by return for the branch insurance and membership to the official supporters club. The fee £17.46 would be paid by the Treasurer.

8) Branch Events

It was agreed to hold at least two events next season one before Christmas and one after February. A debate was held on the best approach to maximize the benefits to the branch. It was agreed that the first event would be in conjunction with a normal group night that Coxhoe Club has on some Saturdays through the year. We would get a quantity of tickets to sell and would be able to hold raffles / football cards through-out the night. If this went well and we sold all our tickets then consideration would be given to maximize the benefit to the branch by holding the next event as an independent event run by the branch.
Sports talk ins were ruled out due to the expense and so was a race night due to possible loss making due to non interest.

It was also agreed to have a branch outing before the start of the season this would not be to benefit the club but more a re-union before the start of the season.

9) Any other business

None of note

10) Next Meeting

To be held first week in September 2005.

Jim Gilling


At Saturday, June 18, 2005, Blogger Billy said...

A full and true account. I very much enjoyed the get-together, it was reminiscent of 'old times' and I hope we can rekindle the monthly meetings now we're in the Premiership.
Well done the committee, especially Jim and his sponsorship which has secured the future of the branch.


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