Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Poor Quality pic Huyton, but find Lenny Watson on the back row, and to his right its F***** Peter Reid Posted by Hello


At Wednesday, April 06, 2005, Blogger Huyton Hoofer said...

George, I reckon that is maurice Gill stnding next to Lenny (Right as you look at it)Also think ray Eliott could be on the front row.

What year is it from and what cup is it.

At Wednesday, April 06, 2005, Blogger MelvinH said...

Sorry Jack i meant behind Lenny just to his right lookin at pic-(chap in suit)-reidy lookalike M.gill next to lenny--H bainbridge-back row -R anderson front row-
1948-49 Hartlepool hospital cup.

At Wednesday, April 06, 2005, Blogger Billy said...

Patients or staff!?!?


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