A Week-end to Forget
Yes Huyton it is un-believable that I did not post a message for 1 day even I could not believe it - am I going though the change and looking for other things to do or is it because I had a shite week-end? The last reason was the only reason!
I will not go into the plus and minus points of the game as I think this has been covered in other blogs only to say that it is SAFC and it would not be the same if they did not keep you biting your nails and swearing at them until the fat lady sings.
I think Saturday started off badly - alot of regulars missing the coach not because of the 10.30am pick up but because most had even forgotten that it was an early kick off most thought it was 3.00pm - wonder if some even read the papers or listen to what I say on the coach. I suppose I will have to give personal invites onto the coach for the last game of the season that is a 1.00 0'clock kick off on a Sunday! As a result we made a loss of £25.00 on the coach.
Once aboard the coach I knew things were going from bad to worse when David"Rocky" Clarke asked if we would be having one coach or two coaches next season for the Premiership. I told him not to count his chickens before they hatched as Reading would be no push over. How right I was.
I went into the Fort only to be met by Cousin Billy who asked had I seen his new people carrier apparently a 3.0 litre Kia - not bad for someone who has not worked since the pit closed at Vane Tempest. When he realised I was not interested he then said that he had a new mobile and proceed to show me the benefits - oh I wished I could have been in the BCB with Billy, Huyton and MelvinH enjoying a pint or two celebrating Billys 50th.
The Match - as I stated - no comment as I think the other postings covered this and were spot on in the description of the game.
I got back home only to find I was locked out - no keys left and the key I had would not turn as a key was in the lock otherside of the door. Well nothing for it but a walk down the club for a few bevvies. Stopped off at the bookies and put £1.00 E.W. on three geegees. I am not a betting man but liked the names of a few so what the heck thought my luck would change - it didn't my horses got nee where.
In the club it was Jeff Owens 55th birthday celebrations and I was summoned over to have a drink and a few titbits to eat - had a good drink and crack - was the week-end about to change for the better?
On the night back down the club another non event as the singer could not sing but took the piss out of all the punters, even kept calling me and my mate PJ - Tyrone and Kevin from the Street. Strangely no discussion from anyone about the match result not even from any Mags that were in - must have noticed I was not in the mood and had a bit of a swagger on.
Next day got up early as we were off to Scotland to visit Mrs Gilligans relatives and her parents grave as it would have been their wedding anniversary that day. Left the house at 10.30am got as far as 1/2 mile south of the turn off for Chester -le- Street when bang a complete blow out at 80 mile per hour - not one for the faint hearted and woke me up in an instant. Pulled over on the hard shoulder to find no tyre left just the alloy rim and pieces of tyre scattered all over the motorway. Called the AA for assistance - no I am not lazy but having three dogs in the back where the spare was not a good venture opening the back when the dogs could leap out on the motorway. Well I got priority due to the dogs and the AA and police came and dutifully obliged -I had plenty of chewing gum before they arrived as I didn't want any smell from stale beer coming from my mouth infront of Durham Traffic Police. Has anyone looked at their spare tyre the one in mine reminded me of one from a moped - thin as I don't know what and labeled temporary tyre 50 mph only. The AA was quick and checked the underside of the car some damage but not too worry about he said at least the brake pipes had only been scuffed and okay as usually this is the first thing to go in a blow out situation. So it was off again but not to Scotland - this time into Kwikfit to get a new tyre on - £148 for one tyre (okay they are low profile sports tyres but £148 bloody hell I am pleased I don't have to pay) While I was waiting we took the dogs for a walk along the river bank something I have not done for many a year and one that made me realise once again what a beautiful City Durham really is - alot to be proud of and to appreciate.
So it was back home at 1.40pm after picking up some groceries to make a quick Sunday lunch I thought of having a meal out for a change but with the dogs in tow not a wise decision.
Watched the Mags getting beat - highlight of the weekend then to cap it off on a humorous note we watched a film on Film 4 called An Everlasting Piece - great Irish comedy where in the mental hospital all the Management were called Billy .....
Now you can see I had a bit of a shite week-end and although I looked up the blog site I was in no mood to post a blog.
Jim Gilling
well Jim, I've had some poor weekends, particularly where the football is involved but none to compare with the one you describe.
I must admit having a little chuckle to myself when you describe regulars not turning up and if there will be two coaches in the premiership.
Typical Coxhoe Branch members. Mollycoddled. The branch may be one of the better organised administratively but when it comes to it's members........ well least said the better.
Anyway it's a new dawn, a new day, a new week. Put it behind you, put your positve head on, give thanks that the blow out didn't put you off the road, give thanks that your brain won't be as fried as young billy's with his mobile phone. Be prouder still that everything you have you've worked hard for. Give thanks that you are a better singer than the the bloke in the club and most of all be gratefull that your still only 50, not 55 and your hair hasn't turned white.
Ha'way the lads
Well Jimmy, what a weekend you’ve had! I can see that downloading your thoughts into the blog has been very therapeutic and you must be pleased you’ve got it off your chest – it must be a bit like being in confession!
I thought the coach might have made a bigger loss but it’s disappointing that a few more didn’t turn up and even more disappointing seeing some of them go past in their cars. It would be great next season if we could get a full-ish bus of reliable regulars that would ensure the bus charges were paid every week. TBH I think we’re nearly there and the committee has done a marvellous job of drumming up the few extra passengers that make the difference between ‘make’ or ‘break’. If we get promotion I think that we would be running a financially viable bus most weeks although the televised games and associated KO times might affect things somewhat.
Saturday was obviously a bad day overall for you. Sounds like the Fort was not as good as the BCB, you would have really enjoyed the crack in there. Next season we should perhaps see if we can all go in together as it’s a great occasion. Being locked out of the house and going to the pub doesn’t seem like it’s been so good and going back to the club on the night to see a duff turn must have just about capped the day off nicely - I bet you were pleased to see the back of Saturday and were looking forward to Sunday!
The motorway blow-out must have been a nasty shock and in one way you’re perhaps lucky that it happened at a quiet time and you were able to steer the car onto the hard shoulder without hitting any other traffic. I’ve had a hire car with one of those ‘get you home’ tires and you can hardly believe how ‘femur’ they are so you had little choice but to get a new one. Glad that the day got a bit better after that with a nice walk round Durham. That film sounds great, just up my street, we haven’t got Film on Four, will you look out for it coming on again and video it for me?
We had a great day out at Donny Show - I’ll post a few pics of babes (not cars) and perhaps do a separate posting a bit later to help cheer you up.
P.S. Still signing yourself "FOM" I see!
Some wise words from Jack (we must have done our posts almost simultaneously). As 'the philosopher' says, a crap weekend but a lot to be grateful for and a lot to look forward to.
Back to the football, I'm a bit worried about promotion. For reasons explained elsewhere on this blog site we gave the game away on Saturday through a tactical blunder after being in control for 3/4 of the game but what really worries me is the Mhyre injury. Having a sound goalie has a big effect on the team and I'm very worried about either of the two young lads. Let's hope Mhyres injury is not as serious as first thought otherwise we could struggle.
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