Sunday, October 23, 2005

I reckon theres been a lot of ale supped today.

No posts about the match from those that attended the match can only mean one thing. Lots of ale consumed, prior to, during and afterwards.

Hold your heads up though lads cos that performance can only auger well for the games to come.

It also augers well for the unwashed cos it keeps Sourness in a job a little longer and that can only be good for the filth. It increases their mediocrity rating and it was enlightening to hear their fans being interviewed post match.

No gloating, they know they got away with it. They know their defence is a shambles and they know that for Sourness it's only a matter of time.

The £50m team v the £5m team and only the width of a crossbar and some poor refereeing saved their bacon.

Ha'Way the Lads.


At Monday, October 24, 2005, Blogger WALTER, THE FAMOUS ARGENTINIAN MACKEM said...

I can't agree more Huyton.The crossbar and men clearing on the goal line. Elliot deserves a word for his magnificent game. Pity but you know.. Ah do u know why you felt a kind of freeze?!?! Coz their support is as cold as ice..They seem Highbury libary..

At Monday, October 24, 2005, Blogger MelvinH said...

Well said Walter and Huyton ,1 more class player in our team and we would have ripped them apart roll on saturday -


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