Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Famous Indian Restaurant in Leicester

Apparently, unbeknown to Nephew Billy and Cousin Billy, Billy String and Billy Senior decided to go for something to eat after leaving the bar. Despite not liking foreign food they went to an Indian takeaway but when they got there they didn’t know what to get. Billy Senior must have impressed the Indian gadgey with his mastery of Indian cuisine when, asked what he wanted, demanded “give us what other people usually have”. The Indian replied that he would serve them up something very nice. Unfortunately Billy String got served up a knuckle sandwich after annoying the other diners and poor Billy Senior got nothing for his troubles. I think he was really looking forward to getting some of that stuff that other people usually have. The two Billy’s parted after they left the restaurant.
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At Friday, April 22, 2005, Blogger Billy said...

Looks like it's shut Jimmy - they must have heard you were coming!


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