Got the smoggies biting today!
All day project review meeting today, 20 people in attendance, most of whom had been working full time on the project. Introduction to the review process then the chairman asks everyone to introduce themselves and their role on the project before we start the review. Goes round the room and gets the standard replies, "Paul Haines, Akerkvaerner, Construction manager", etc, etc. As it comes round to me I had a flash of inspiration - "Brian Mitton - SUNDERLAND SUPPORTER". Uproar in the room with all the smoggies chuntering on about how we were lucky etc. Took a while to settle down and then continued at tea breaks. It must be said that the smogs are biting like good uns so I'll keep it going as long as I can.
Good man Brian.
it's not the fact that they were beaten that got them biting.
It was the humour, they just don't get it in Smogland.
Well done Billy - glad to see we have a sense of humour in the low position we are in. As the song goes "always look on the bright side of life" but in Smogland they have never seen any bright side of life.
Currently in a hotel in Leamington Spa had a meal and a bottle of wine to ease my back pain - the hotel is full of smoggie and Rangers supporters - asked who I supported I said SAFC but missed the bit about second team is Celtic - as they looked hard guys from Glasgow decided to give that a miss to protect my chin.
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