Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Coldplay at the Reebok

After seeing Coldplay at Live8 I wasn't really bothered about going but last night I attended one of the best concerts ever. After standing in the rain trying to get a better view than I did of Oasis the sun came through just as The Doves began their "supporting band" act. But, Coldplay were absolutely superb and got the crowd going in every way imaginable. Chris Martin, like a young Freddie Mercury at times, wowed the capacity crowd and we left happy.

Only downside is when you leave a stadium at 10.30pm, you dont expect to still be sat outside it at 12.45am! Walking around work like a zombie after my 3 hour sleep but it was all worth it! I know a better place to park when the Lads visit next season.........


At Wednesday, July 06, 2005, Blogger Jim Gilling - Secretary SAFCSA Coxhoe Branch said...

Pictures Miller we need pictures - if you need the software to put pictures on the blog look in the blog help files for Hello and Picasa sites. If stuck ask Brian or Jack as they are experts.

At Wednesday, July 06, 2005, Blogger Huyton Hoofer said...

Good to hear you enjoyed it Ian.

Your wait after the concert takes me back to U2 Joshua Tree tour in 1987 ( yes they were around then) at Wembley Stadium. Having left the stadium at 10:30 pm I did not start the car to return home until 12:40pm. The joy of getting ther early.

Never again would I choose to attend a concert in a stadium using my own transport. Better to get the bus or use Public transport and park miles away. better still to stay overnight.

At Wednesday, July 06, 2005, Blogger Huyton Hoofer said...

errr make that twenty to one in the morning. SPELLCHECK JACK MAN

At Wednesday, July 06, 2005, Blogger Miller said...

Jim I know, I am just a bit paranoid about dropping my camera and smashing it after a few pints!

When I was publishing the 'blog' at dinnertime I thought a photo of a Stella Fuelled Miller and a Sober 'sick cos she is driving' Joanne inside the Reebok would look good too!!

I'll take the camera to Chelsea ok Jim - I'll do the pictures, you can write the story!


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