Sunday, November 27, 2005

Fecking Hell Whats Happening!!

Sitting back today and reflecting on Saturday's match against Brum I am still disgusted at the lack of effort, confidence and tactics that is right the way through our belovered club right now. The best thing about Saturday was that the exit from Dundas Street was trouble free and we were the first coach to depart and for once got home before 6.00pm - looks like it was a wise move for the time being.
Getting back to the teams performance you can see just watching that there is a total lack of confidence throughout the team and take away early shots from Stead our first real shot that worried the goalie enough to make a save was in the 83rd minute. Watching other teams, yes it is a pain to watch the TV at present, all the teams in the Premiership appear to be creating chances - except SAFC.
What about Birmingham? Never scored for a long time and then score at SOL to take all points. They like Pompey are the worst teams to come to the SOL this season and we never looked like beating either of them. Whats the odds for Crouch to score his first goal for Liverpool on Wednesday night?
To close with my opening title "Fecking hell what's happening" can anyone see a way forward or are we down and out?

Jim Gilling


At Sunday, November 27, 2005, Blogger Huyton Hoofer said...

Crouch is nailed on to score on Wednesday.

We are "FERKED" as you put it.

We are down and out.

Did you get my mail about the 12th of December?

At Sunday, November 27, 2005, Blogger Jim Gilling - Secretary SAFCSA Coxhoe Branch said...

Yes Huyton I got your mail re. 12th but not sure until later this week. I am going to Istanbul 14th to 16th and may be going to an Englandfans meeting on 12th as the Northeast branch of Englandfans have asked could I represent them at a meeting but won't know the details until Monday night when there is a Northeast Englandfans meeting at the Copt Hill.
I will let you know before Wednesday.

At Wednesday, November 30, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ferked, absolutely ferked lads.


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