Sunday, December 25, 2005

The one armed bandit says Merry Christmas

In case you haven't heard from the jungle grapevine but yours truely had a few too many whiskeys on Friday night and fell over at about 2.00am between Kella and Coxa. Result broken arm and plastered. Heading back on Boxing day for a new plaster to be put on for 6 weeks, then physio.
So Mr Chairman need someone to collect the fares on the coach tomorrow I will be there but with one arm in a sling I will struggle.

Happy Christmas to you all from the one arm plug pulling bandit!

Jim Gilling


At Sunday, December 25, 2005, Blogger Billy said...

Sorry to hear about your unfortunate accident Jim, good job you were well aneasthetised or else it might have hurt! Which arm is it? Will you still be OK for the away games we have planned over Xmas? I'll see you tomorrow and you can fill me in with the details, meanwhile have a few more whiskeys to help ease the pain!

At Tuesday, December 27, 2005, Blogger Huyton Hoofer said...

Jimmy, you were always a bandit, even with two arms.

It is, however, encouraging to know that in life somethings never change and I bet you can still pick a pint up.

See you in the club New Years Eve.

At Tuesday, December 27, 2005, Blogger Billy said...

Aye, Jim was saying you were going on Saturday night and he was looking forward to seeing you there. Something about he could use some 'professional help' when he went to the toilet and it would be a good 'test of friendship' if you could handle his todger for him when he went for a wee!

At Wednesday, December 28, 2005, Blogger Billy said...

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At Wednesday, December 28, 2005, Blogger Billy said...

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A unique and useful healthcare product that combines a 3X acrylic magnifier with chrome-plated, built-in tweezers; Appreciated in every home; a must in every first-aid kit; individually poly bagged; Ideal, also, as a useful tool for hobbyists, stamp collectors and model builders .... and anyone with a broken arm caught short in the club.


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