The Last Two Days
Well I am back from a hectic two days of meetings (working for a change). Left home on Wednesday morning at 3.20am good ride down only got held up on that great car park they call the M25 but still got to the venue, Sandown Racecourse at 8.20am well in time for the meeting start time at 9.00am. I waited for the local guys to arrive on time but as 9.00am approached no-one arrived they staggered in from 9.10 to about 9.20 well I was not amused as I had made the effort to get there on time and these southern softees were probably still having their last wank while I was parking up.
Meeting went on til after 6.00pm then it was a quick shit and shave and out on the tiles. The owner of the company in Surrey had arranged a meal at a local restaurant in Esher (posh area of Surrey where flats average about £400K). We met in the Albert pub - not a wise move I thought - as I had been ejected on my last visit in December after our Chistmas party. Ordered the drinks thought a few of the locals were staring but was that just my guilt? So 6 of us started to drink the local ale - my company Barclaycard placed behind the bar as a tab for the drinks. I turned around to watch the West Ham match and heard the immortal cry "come on Sunderland" I said why Sunderland and this guy said he and his mates all supported the Lads - well this made my day. Turned out most were originally from Chester-le-Street but had moved South with the job. When one of them asked were I lived he knew all about Coxa and even Kella naming some names and even all the pubs and most of the shops etc. When I enquired about his knowledge he said he had been our local postie before he went into chartered surveying. Could Postman Pat Ratton have got this guys job? Anyway as you can imagine discussion was about SAFC and what next season will hold - they said that when SAFC are in London their mates stay around Esher and have a good night - they stated that they were "real boys" so not sure what they meant about this. I then started to chat with the girls that were with them asking if they were all either married or just living together - one was married to a big rugby guy who was originally from Berwick area and supported the Mags - I thought I heard someone shouting Mackem bastards as we carried on our conversation. One girl rather smart and worth one said she was about to marry one of the guys who was one of the quieter guys - turns out he is a smoggie originally from Redcar. Well I gave her some friendly advice when they get married "don't have kids as he will be into their underpants before they reach puberty". She laughed he didn't preferring to say "you sad Mackem twat" but we made up and eventually on leaving I bought them all a round of drinks that came to .......... £54.80 yes guys we were not in a workingmens club but a local pub in Surrey. The others had left so I exited through the main door this time without a bouncers arm around my neck to join the others who had gone to the eating house. This time they had to wait for me so I arrived about 20 minutes late - revenge for this morning I thought. Meal was good - Spanish style cooking with paella on the menu and well worth the wait. The owner of the company had arranged for some of his mates and "lady friends" to join us after our meal. Apparently the boss who lost his wife last year has wasted no time in finding a replacement she was about 25 years younger than him and all the girls were "high maintenance" girls. One sat opposite me in the bar and as we got on talking the usual smutty talk started but she said "you've got a wedding ring on" and so we just chatted and had a general good laugh. I think if I had a rolex watch and big wad of money on me things would have been different. We supped until about 12.30am when some of them decided to go clubbing I made myself back to my bed - alone!
Next morning up for the meeting start at 9.00am - now as we were in Sandown racecourse and with the previous morning still pissing me off I wrote on the flip board "Lucky Jims Bookmakers" and proceeded to list all the staff attending the meeting with the odds for when they arrived and what time the meeting would start. As example I had 9.00am start at 50/1 and 9.30 start at 5/1 it ws more like 9.45am when we started which was 2/1.
Meeting ended 3.30pm home last night at 8.45pm good two days with a bit of humour thrown in.
Now arranging trip and tickets to Cardiff - tickets are £50 to £26 - come on Huyton agree to go you know it makes sense!
Jim Gilling
Great insight into life 'down South' Jim!
BTW, your mention of a "quick shit and shave and out on the tiles" jogged my memory of our Promotion party in the club. I recall that you totally stunk out the WHOLE CLUB when you visited the bogs for a dump. Anyone else remember that? Unforgettable, unfortunately!
Jow I now what it was that made my chest ache for a week afterwards.
I was putting down to either
a) hard graft in the fencing department or
b) laughing like fook at Soxy in his drunken state and Jim's antics with the resident mags.
Now that you mention a lung full or two of Jims pungent pap perfume would be enough to leave any man crippled for a week.
It fookin stank.
Remember my answer to the Bridges debate - "the answer my friend is blowing in the wind the answer is blowing in the wind."
If shite smells are likened to weather phenomonen then that James my boy was a Hurricane
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