Teenage Heartbreak
Following the fortunes of Sunderland AFC is bit like having a relationship with a girl for the first time during your teenage years ( You do remember those days Jimmy, don't you?)
You like her, think she's great!
That first kiss, it could be love.
That first feel, it's love
You think you are falling in love with her
That first night of real passion behind the garages in Kella
You love her
You tell your mates
She finds out
It's over.
You cant stop thinking about her
She hates you
You cant stop thinking about her
You get back together
You get engaged
You fall out
It's all off again
You cant stop thinking about her
You get back again
You get engaged
You get married
Your passion for one another grows.
You have kids
You relationship deteriorates
You part
You cant stop thinking about her
You try again
It doesn't work, it's never the same second time around
You stop thinking about her
It's over!
Is that what happened to Elaine McROY?
Maybe, but I can still remember Beverly Dixon breaking your heart!!!
Bit of a lad Jack eh what?
And guess where Beverly Dixon had a beauty spot!
Knowing you , you'll have been where no 8 year old knew existed.
Thats the catholic upbringing for you. An enquiring mind!!
Us proddy dogs knew how to give a lady a little more respect.
We waited until we were 9
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