Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Out walking today

And coming down the old railway line from Kelloe to Coxhoe, bumped into Steve Walton, dog and pushchair in hand who in his unique style asked me.

"lad, can thou tell me summat?" When do we play Liverpool away? It's on Sky isn't It? Jimmy Gilling is telling me its not a Sunday match but it's a daft KO time."

Now something at the back of my mind made me a little unsure. I knew that originally it had been scheduled for Sunday at 2 pm but something said to me " I think its' changed"

Being ever the diplomat I said to Steve I'll find out for you.

Well Steve I've found out and I'm sorry to say Jim as usual is 100% correct. However, you may have become confused with the home match which is scheduled for SKY and is in fact a 17:15 KO, but that's a long way in the future.

So there you have it, can't go anywhere without SAFC influencing your day in one way or another.


At Wednesday, July 13, 2005, Blogger Billy said...

Didn't know Steve was a walker, in fact I thought he didn't venture out of Kella much in the close season. Obviously planning the new campaign as he strolls around the countryside.
BTW, did you and Steve have any crack about your former username or was the discussion limited to more mundane matters?

At Wednesday, July 13, 2005, Blogger Jim Gilling - Secretary SAFCSA Coxhoe Branch said...

I told Steph it was the home match that had changed and not the away match - sometimes you wonder if people listen.

At Thursday, July 14, 2005, Blogger Huyton Hoofer said...

Limited to mundane matters including where had I been walking and the offer of his season ticket for the West Brom home game. However I had to decline due to my holiday in Canada, to which Steve exclaimed " CANADA? "

For every negative Steve has a positive and despite his moans and groans I really like him.

At Thursday, July 14, 2005, Blogger Miller said...

Stevie asked me the exact same question about Liverpool as he pondered going to a saturday night away fixture with 7.45pm kick off....... I assured him it was 3pm.

He says the teletext (stevie's bible) says 7.45 - which I checked - this is correct, but it also states that the Man City home game on Tuesday 23rd kicks off at 3pm. Better get a half day in at work eh lads?

As much as I think Stevie is a Kella can't tell him nowt!


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