The Fort has changed!!!
Well bloggers and frequenters of the Fort our "local" on Roker Avenue in Sunderland. Dropped in last night after getting my away top. Hit on lucky official opening night before the season starts. It's had a lick of paint and more importantly new "good looking" management. Katie is the new landlady and as you can see from the picture Billy Senior is going to love her. Get there early guys cos I think this place will really take off given the example of the clientele that look like getting in - see picture. The one at the front is Susie - she will be one of the barmaids on Saturday. Keep your eyes only on the pints guys. This might even tempt Cousin Billy or even Huyton to get into our new revamped Fort!!!!

The lovely Katie behind the bar

I was reading somewhere on RTG that the Wheatsheaf is closed due to refurbishment so the Fort may be chocka anyway.
Well Jimmy, now you will have to get yer best aftershave on, just to get a peck on the cheek
Me and Billy mite just pop in with yer Jimmy just to admire the delights -I,M talkin about the drinks tho!
Ohhh my GOODNESS!!! It'd be hard for you all guys to keep an eye on the pics with those lasses around!!
Billy: This is an answer to your question; Velez lost 3-2 playing away at San Lorenzo in the opener game for both sides in the Argentinian Championship. It was an enthralling match: Velez got the equalizer in the 89th(2-2 at that time) but San Lorenzo scored in the 92th!! to clinch their victory!! Today, that's Friday, we are playing Argentinos Juniors that was former Hoolio's team.
Keep us updated with Velez's results as the season progress's Walter as we're all interested in how they do and your match reports are very entertaining. Good luck.
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