Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Household tip No.1 - EZ plug puller

Reposted due to possible problem from a comment left by an unknown source.

Origianl posting by Billy:-
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Another scoop for the Coxhoe blogsite - here is the first in a series of useful household tips. As the season progresses and things happen we'll see if we can come up with some others. I thought I'd put plug puller into google and see what it came up with. Here's what it says.
"Sure, many of the plugs in your house stay where they are for years. The EZ Plug Puller is not for them. The EZ Plug Puller is for the hair dryer, the shaver, the iron, kitchen appliances, electrical tools (the pa system and stage lighting) and anything else that you plug in to use and then unplug to put away.Add a margin of safety when kids must use electrical devices.The Plug Puller attaches permanently to any plug and is secured by the plastic ties supplied. The easy-to-hold puller has two large finger holes for extra control. Also if you ever need to unplug an appliance quickly the EZ PLug Puller is ideal - every home and workingmen's club should have one in case of an unexpected 'emergency unplugging' arising "
So there you have it. If you've got a stuck plug or one you want to to remove in a hurry then either get Jimmy round or invest in a EZ plug puller @$5.45. A added benefit of the EZ plug puller is that, by using the two large finger holes, you can quickly slip your fingers out and are ready to give the V's to any passing Mag who might be in the vicinity.
P.S. Don't worry Stephen, just having a bit fun with Jimmy - will be the model of discretion in the club on Saturday, promise.


At Wednesday, August 10, 2005, Blogger Jim Gilling - Secretary SAFCSA Coxhoe Branch said...

Why waste $5.45 I will come and do it for a quick whiskey!


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