Monday, August 08, 2005

Smiling assassin.

Just so it keeps it fresh in your memory Mackem Plug Puller. Look at this everyday and remember the happy smiling face looking out at you. Count the Mags in the picture and remember those 2-1's and the Dyer Bowyer incident. Never let them forget and long live the legendary mackem plug puller
The Coxhoe Cameraman


At Monday, August 08, 2005, Blogger Billy said...

I've posted a version of Jim's escapades on RTG
Lots of sympathy and practical advice including, from Dominic Sharkey:-
"Are you trying to tell me you couldn't find a fuckin' machine gun from somewhere?

Howay man, use your initiative!

It's just a pity you couldn't have electrocuted the bitch!

I don't know who Mrs XXXX is but a swift boot to the fanny might have shut her up."


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