Monday, August 08, 2005

Principles and the Mackem Plug Puller

prin+ci+ple 1. a standard or rule of personal conduct.2. a set of such moral rules, a man of principle

In the very likely event that our hero gets called to account for his actions on Saturday night, then I sincerely hope he does not abandon his principles and bow down to Mag pressure. ( can't see it somehow bloggers, can you?)

I sincerely hope he tells it like it is and is prepared to accept the sanctions which may or may not come his way.

I find it incredibly sad that a man who works very hard for a living, spending little time with the people closest to him, to ensure they have a good life, cannot enjoy his one night out at the end of week, without it being spoiled by "no brainers."

I also applaud him for the cool, calm,collected and considered way in which he responded in the face of extreme provocation. He is indeed a hero of the highest order and will be awarded the CDM (Cadbury's Dairy Milk).

What, one wonders, will be the outcome?

Whatever it is there is only one winner.




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