Here at Last
For some reason, I've had a real struggle to get onto this blogging page in my own right. Paranoia suggests that Gilligan has something to do with it, living in fear that I may have too many stories to tell.
I'm still on the horns of a dilemma about whether or not to make a return to the SOL. Should I take the jump their will undoubtedly be the taunts of " Glory Hunting T**T", etc from those who are not imbibed with good grace and those are ignorant of the facts.
It's really good to see that SAFC are pushing upwards again but, there is a masochistic streak in me that tends to pull me back. Masochism or realism? Whatever, there is still time to blow it and after all this is Sunderland and they have a penchant for making it all end in tears, either happily or sadly.
It is with some sadness that we have heard of the untimely death of John " Cass" McHale, yesterday. John often ferried groups of fans to Sunderland on match days in his mini coach. Steve and Percy Traynor, Marshy, Ivan Lowther, Boysie and Hedley all branch members at one time or another will be mourning his passing. He's sure to have a good turn out is "Cass" and my condolences go out to the members of his family, all Kelloe and SAFC through and through. RIP John.
Myself , Billy and Jim had a canny night out last night, as reported earlier and plans will be underway shortly to get another one organised. It's always great to see old friends and heartwarming to know that we are still all well grounded and talk to each other like it was yesterday, irrespective of our station in life. It's nice to know we all value each other as individuals foremost and friends for life.
Well it's now 40 hours since I packed the tabs in. Not suffering too much yet, just keeping myself busy and putting my trust in Nicotinell. Been there before and hope that this time I can kick it for longer than the 5 years I was off them from 93 - 98.
Time to go back to Sunderland? Will my nerves take it? Is it really a good time to stop smoking?
Welcome Huyton to the world of blogging. Yes it was my fault that you did not get on before now. Not that I was worried but it was that I made a mistake on the earlier invite putting a full stop in your name.
Now that we ahve welcomed you to the art of blogging perhaps now we can welcome you to the world of the SOL again. I will see if there are any spare season tickets for the Coventry fixture next Saturday as one of my mates is talking about going in the Black Cats bar so his ticket plus his sons will be spare.
I am now braced for the filth you may write about me but don't forget that as administrator of the web site I can always kick you off!!!!
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