Monday, July 18, 2005

Coaxed down

A snippet from the local news section of todays Northern Echo

Police used a chip butty and a packet of cigarettes to help coax down a man who was threatening to jump off the Transporter Bridge in Middlesbrough. The 37 year-old, who had spent more than two hours on top of the bridge, was arrested after the incident on Saturday.

So there you have it. Never mind "Give me a £1m, take me to the airport, and fly me to Brazil or I'll jump". All it takes to get a smoggy down is a chip butty and a packet of fags!!


At Monday, July 18, 2005, Blogger WALTER, THE FAMOUS ARGENTINIAN MACKEM said...

That is a common event here in Argentina... police coax everyone.. that explain the bad security situation we are in.

At Monday, July 18, 2005, Blogger MelvinH said...

Yer i think there was a similar situation 2 years ago on the same brige so they tried to coax him down with a BORO season ticket free----unfortunately he jumped..

At Tuesday, July 19, 2005, Blogger Jim Gilling - Secretary SAFCSA Coxhoe Branch said...

What we don't know is what sauce was on the chip butty. If it was Heinz then I can understand why he came down.
Also in reply to MelvinH do you not mean fortunately he jumped?

At Tuesday, July 19, 2005, Blogger Huyton Hoofer said...

Jim, you're not suggesting the bridge man was Jewish are you?


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